If you don’t have the cash to purchase a brand new mobility scooter or do and want to save money then there are quite a few important facts to consider before making an informed decision.
Why not consider the benefits of mobility scooter hire purchase?
AÂ new mobility scooter will depreciate in value by approximately by a third in a two year period.
The price for a 4 mile per hour mobility scooter will set you back about £399 and prices for an 8 mile per hour mobility scooter start at around £1 350.
Many people are able to obtain a mobility scooter via funding through charities, but then again many people who have to factor in a whole set of different circumstances.
There are many advantages in hiring out a mobility scooter or obtaining one through hire purchase such as service and repair costs being included. Most insurances such as breakdown, recovery and mobility scooter insurance are included in the rental or hire purchase rate.
If you are on a budget then you usually only have to pay a relatively small deposit and administration fees. On a hire purchase scheme you can expect to pay a small weekly or monthly fee over an agreed period of time.
The advantage of obtaining a mobility scooter through hire purchase is that you can get going on a mobility scooter for a relatively small price, but after about two years you will have paid more for your mobility scooter than if you would have bought the mobility scooter for cash.
Typically looking at a hire purchase deal, then you are looking at a service over a two year period where you should pay no interest with no credit checks. The company will deliver your mobility scooter ready to use to your home the very next day and give you a complete demonstration for your peace of mind.
On a hire purchase your insurances aren’t covered as they are on a rental but on a hire purchase agreement you should look to get at least three months free insurance which will cover theft, fire and accidental damage.
On a hire purchase mobility scooter you should also get a twelve month warranty and the first years service free of charge.
To get an idea of what is available on hire purchase, the cheapest such as the Drive Medical Kite 4 can be purchased with a £160 deposit and £60 a month, while a model such as the Price Colt 9 can be secured with a deposit of £220 and £83 a month.  A more expensive model such as the Mercury Regatta will cost £104 a month with a £500 deposit.
A good example of doing a price comparison for hire purchase mobility scooters is the Gochair. On www.mobilityconnect.co.uk/powerchairs/go-chair/ this model is priced at £2900 which is broken down into 24 payments of £108 and a £290 deposit. The same model can be purchase from https://www.activemobility.co.uk/for £1500, that is almost double. If you are chronically ill or disabled then you will also be able to claim the VAT back.
Of course with the hire purchase deal a you get a one hour free demonstration, one year parts and labour warranty, three month free breakdown cover, three months comprehensive insurance as well as access to a 24 hour emergency help line.
For more information on costs and special offers you can look at https://www.ukmobilityscooter.co.uk/mobility-scooter-hire-purchase-scheme/
Kathleen carr says
I am interested in hire a mobility scooter please